Macmillan Family Support Worker


Based at Colchester Hospital in the Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre, this service provides emotional and psychological support to children/teenagers (under the age of 18) when someone close to them has had a cancer diagnosis.

To enquire about our Family Support Worker, call us at the centre on 01206 745347. If there is no one in the office, there is a confidential answerphone where you can leave a message for her to call you back.

What can be offered to support you and your children/teenagers

Initially our Family Support Worker will make arrangements to meet with you as a family to explore what support you feel you need.

Support may be one of the following: -

  • To offer specific support, information or advice to you as a parent

  • To offer advice and suggestions as to how you might start those difficult conversations with your children about someone having cancer and how to continue to support them

  • To offer to liaise with your children’s school or college

  • To offer to work directly with your children to explore coping strategies

  • To offer different resources that could help you as a family cope together

  • To signpost you to other specialists

  • If needed, we can also offer help with preparing a child/teenager to cope with the loss of someone special