Breast Surgery Recovery


We offer a face to face breast exercise class here at the Cancer Wellbeing Centre. It takes place over 4 weeks and is aimed at breast patients who are a minimum of 6 weeks post surgery. To join, please contact the centre directly on 01206 745347.

To complement the Breast Exercise classes offered by the centre, please make use of the below videos. These videos are not intended to replace the face-to-face exercise classes but are an additional resource (except perhaps for people who are unable to attend in person). Attending the classes in person allows the instructors to give personalised guidance and feedback. In addition, you will meet others who have also had treatment for breast cancer which can be supportive and also a great resource in terms of shared experience and ideas.

If you are not able to attend the classes in person, please note that some exercises use a ball and a band. Please be aware that these exercises should not be attempted at home until at least six weeks after surgery, or until your surgeon or nurse/radiotherapy specialist has said it is safe to do so. If you are having additional treatment It may be advisable to start the exercises after your course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy has been completed (ask your Care Team for guidance).


Lymphedema workshop

Alison Maxwell is a Therapy Assistant Practitioner working and supporting patients with Lymphoedema. She has produced an information pack aimed at assisting recovery following surgery to treat breast cancer. Please click on the image below to download a PDF of the presentation.

Lymphoedema - Causes - NHS (