Bereavement Services


We are really sorry if you are here because you, or someone else you know (such as a friend or relative), has lost someone they love to cancer. Knowing what to do when a partner, relative or friend has died can seem overwhelming, especially with all the emotions that grief can bring. Coping with grief and all the practical things that need to be done after someone dies can be very difficult. We hope the following information and advice resources will help you (or bereaved family or friends) cope with some of the feelings and questions you/they might have.

There is additional information on the ‘End of Life’ page of this website that you may find helpful. You may also wish to consider counselling to help support you through any difficult times - please see the ‘Counselling’ page of this website for further information.

Cancer specific | Financial Support | National Organisations | Essex Based Organisations | Making ‘in memory’ Donations

Cancer Specific Bereavement Information, Support and Advice

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK webpage ‘After someone dies’ provides information about ‘coping with grief’ and ‘practical things to do after a death’. Click here to access this page.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan ‘Coping with Bereavement’ - there are links on this page to a number of information topics, including ‘what to do when someone dies’, ‘planning a funeral’, ‘claiming bereavement benefits’, ‘support with grief’, ‘coping and adapting after loss’ etc.

After Someone Dies - Coping with Bereavement’ - this leaflet gives you some practical information about what to do and what to expect when someone dies. It also looks at some of the emotions you may have, and the support that can help.

Financial Support

Contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Bereavement Service to check if:

  • you can get bereavement benefits

  • you can get help towards the cost of a funeral if you’re on a low income

  • the death will affect any other benefits you’re already claiming

Telephone: 0800 731 0469
Textphone: 0800 731 0464 Website: Your benefits, tax and pension after the death of a spouse: Benefits - GOV.UK (
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 731 0469

National Bereavement Information, Support and Advice

UK registered charity aiming to ensure that every bereaved person in the UK can find bereavement support when they need it. Their website provides links to bereavement services, bereavement resources (including online bereavement courses) and an online counsellor webchat helpline etc.

Website: Bereavement Counsellor webchat (Mon-Fri, 9am to 9pm):

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading national charity for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They offer a variety of support services, including a helpline, information leaflets and local services.

Telephone: 0808 808 1677

Marie Curie

Marie Curie is the UK’s leading end of life charity. They provide frontline nursing and hospice care, a free support line and a wealth of information and support on all aspects of dying, death and bereavement. If you want to talk to someone following a bereavement, they are there for you. Whether your bereavement was expected, happened recently or was some time ago, they can help.

Call them free to discuss practical and emotional concerns with a trained Support Line Officers, to speak with one of their spiritual care coordinators or get ongoing support from a bereavement volunteer.

Telephone: 0800 090 2309 (for free bereavement support)

The Samaritans

National charity providing 24-hour helpline support every day of the year for anyone in distress including those who are feeling suicidal.

Telephone: 116 123 (free call, at any time, on any phone)

WAY Foundation (Widowed and Young)

WAY is a UK registered charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children, whatever their sexual orientation. Their bereavement support webpage offers lots of helpful support and advice.

Bereavement support:
Online contact form:

Essex Based Bereavement Information, Support and Advice

Age Concern (Colchester and North East Essex)

Local branch of national charity. In terms of bereavement services and emotional support, you can contact them either for one off support and advice, or there is a free service provided by Bereavement Support Volunteers who will telephone you on a pre-agreed regular basis. See contact details below:-

Telephone: 01206 368 420 (option 2)
E-mail: or

East of England Co-op (Funeral Services)

In addition to their usual Funeral Services, East of England Co-op also offer bereavement services. This can be one-to-one support (depending on area), or via one of their regular support groups.

Telephone: 01206 797196

ESNEFT (Colchester & Ipswich Hospital Trust)

The ESNEFT website includes a page on their Bereavement Services. Click here to access this webpage.

The Chaplaincy Team

They are here to listen and offer confidential, respectful, compassionate support to people of all faiths and beliefs, as well as those who do not have a particular religious belief.

They can support you and your loved ones if you are adjusting emotionally or spiritually to illness, searching for meaning and purpose in difficult times, or preparing for loss and bereavement.

You can explore the things that are important to you and your loved ones. This may include considering spiritual resources such as mindfulness, poetry, music, engagement with the natural world, religious texts and objects, prayers etc., which can support you in times of rehabilitation and change.

They are at the hospital on Monday to Friday 8am-4pm, and available for urgent matters 24/7. You can contact us in the following ways:

Tel: 01206 747474 and ask for the on-call chaplain Email:

If you are in Colchester Hospital why not drop in to see them at the Chaplaincy Centre or visit the Chapel which is set aside as a quiet, reflective space for everyone. For further details on the location of the Chaplaincy and the services they provide, click here for access to their webpage of the ESNEFT website.

The chaplaincy team is there for everyone, regardless of age, disability, race, social background, religion or belief, gender, or sexual orientation.

Essex County Council

Essex County Council website provides advice and local Essex based resources, including a step by step guide of what to do when someone dies’.


Hunnaball Family Funeral Group

A family run group with 15 outlets throughout Essex and Suffolk, making them the largest independent funeral company in East Anglia. Their website provides links to a number of organisations that can provide bereavement advice and support.


St Helena Hospice

For adults - They offer support to all those who have been bereaved in north Essex, regardless of the cause of death or where they have died. As grief is a very personal experience, they offer a range of support tailored to the individual’s needs.

Online referral form - click here.
Tel: 01206 984 274

For children - They offer bereavement support to children and young people up to the age of 17 for those whose loved one has died after receiving hospice care. Support can either be individually or as a family group, depending on the age of the child / young person. However, children under five will be supported via their parent / guardian or within their family unit and not individually. They can also provide information and advice to families and schools on how to support children following the death of a parent or grandparent.

If you would like to refer your child or your family as a group please contact SinglePoint on 01206 890360.

Making ‘in memory’ donations to
the Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre at Colchester Hospital

Thank you for considering a donation to the Cancer Wellbeing centre at Colchester Hospital in memory of someone you love. We are very grateful for any amount we receive. Every penny goes towards improving the quality of life of those currently living with cancer, through the various services we provide.

The Cancer Wellbeing Centre at Colchester hospital has a charitable fund overseen by the Hospital Trust Charitable finance team. This fund supports many of the initiatives that the centre offers to patients and carers.

It is possible to leave a donation gift in your will, give a gift in memory and have donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral, for further information, please see the contact details below.

Tel: 0300 7701369 Website:

To donate on-line please click here (and select ‘Cancer Wellbeing Centre’ (Colchester) from the charity fund list).

Alternatively, pop into the centre where there are donation envelopes.

Many thanks for your support.